Tuesday, September 10, 2013

English For Life

Hello Everybody, Hello Kinal, love to see ya this morning :*

Okay, on this post i will use english in every words i write just don't shy to correct me if i'm wrong (CMIIW). I thought today english has became our third language. The first for sure is our native language/mother language or region language, the second one is Indonesian language or bahasa and the third is english. As the third language it's very cool if we can talk to our friend and our friend can talk back also in english too. Sometimes i also try to speak english with my best mates, after couple of minutes we laugh together because our talk became preety weird. I can't understand what he said and he doesn't know how to respond my words. But i have a funny moments when my friend talk to his lecturer guidance about the way that he should use to finish his thesis, and they are speak english. It just same like me and my best mates, the talks became really really weird. After it becoming weird they talk half in bahasa and half english, suddenly i remember they just like netherland people ask villagers where is pitung. It's just like not all of us can speak english well, but i really really appreciate when anybody brave to talk english and if wrong they can learn from the mistake then the one who never try to speak english and always afraid.

Until college, i never had a bad number in english study, 8 or 9 always in my report. Every english exam, i always be the dictionary for my friends, and i just love it. They try to learn english from asking one by one word in english. I don't know why some people still dislike or never want to learn english, someday this country will enter golbalization and all of workers in asia region will easy to find job in our country. If we can't fight in our country, we will never get the job that we wanted.

 For me it's seems a long long time ago for the first time my parent bought me a dictionary, just like 14 years ago since i'm 8 years old and the awkward is i don't know why i love that dictionary. I remember every words and every sentences in the dictionary, and someday i rent power ranger movie and i start to learning every word and every sentences in the movie. I start to watch it over and over again just to learn the english words in the movie. Once i realize i've just rent all power rangers episode, at least 50 or 60 VCD. That's the first thing i know, I FALL IN LOVE WITH ENGLISH UNTIL NOW. Farewell ~

Sincerely Your Secret Admirer - Kinalova ^^



  1. emmmm gak tau harus comment apa..
    i can't speak english

  2. keren tuh, jadi semacam perpustakaan kata berjalan...

    kalo aku dulu juga sering belajar bahasa inggris lewat kamus, tapi sekarang jarang...

    1. iya, sekaranggue juga udah jarang, soalnya gak ada mata kuliah bahas inggris juga :/

  3. Iya keren berani speak in English. Ternyata belajar English dari filem power ranger ya? Untung itu waktu nyewa film ngga keliru power ranger yg udah di dubbing ke bahasa Arab. Ga kebayang jadinya -___-"

    1. hahaha jadi belajar bahasa arab dehh gue -____-"

  4. ihiy, yang nulis posting pakai bahasa inggris.
    iya, emang penting bisa bahasa inggris. kan kita semua mau ke luar negeri.. bayarin yaaaa :D

    1. hahaha iyaa ntar gue bayarin pake duit monopoli :))

  5. In the end, All the people have to learn English for facing the globalization. learning english from the song's lyrics could be a good way too. try it !

    Btw, did "hallo kinal", and "kinalova" means this article dedicated to KInal JKT48, and you're a WOTA? hahahaha... CMIW...

    1. yup, that's true, work for me too, accidentally we can pronounce english word by song lyrics.

      HAHAHA i'm just kinalova which mean i'm fans of KINAL JKT48 not the "real" wota i think :p

  6. waaaah, good then if you have willing to communicate through English with your friends!! Keep fighting yahhh! :D

  7. besok aku presentasi bahasa inggris ._. gak nanya ya? yaaah :p
    yampun, makin byk aja nih yang udah ketularan mbak nisa, tunggu punyaku ya :p

  8. keren ya.. dari power ranger bisa belajar bahasa inggris.. Kalo aku, yg aku pelajari dari power ranger cuma.. Bahasa tubuhnya

    1. hahaha bahasa tubuhnya gimana ? cara berubahnya ya ? :p

    2. iya cara berubahnya lah._. masa cara...,.....

    3. kali aja ngeliatin cara cewenya berubah maksud gue hahaha

    4. hahaha.. bisa sih bisa bisa bisa

  9. i understand about your speakl *ngomong apa sih*

    btw itu kinalova ? berarti fansnya kinal dong :v :v :v

    1. i understand too
      HAHAHA iyaa fans nya KINAL JKT48 :p

  10. aaaa gangerti guaaaaaa awkawokawok

  11. #buru2 buka kamus..

    rambut langsung keriting..little2,ngertilah..
    haha #NgomongApalahSayaIni..:D

    1. hahaha semangat lagii belajarnyaa jadi ngertinya bisa banyak nggak little2 lagi :D

  12. What? Dr Power Ranger! Gue kok sering nonton tapi tetep gak bisa bahasa inggris. Cuma ngerti dikit aja itupun karna nonton HBO #eh

    Lang, lo mau wisuda ya? OKEH SELAMAT!! HOKEEEHHHH!!! SEMOGA SUKSES!! HOKEEHH!! #GakNyante

    1. hahaha kamu terlalu memperhatikan cara berkelahinya mungkin :p


  13. Aku ngerti sih, tapi males aja bales pake b.ing. Aku sebenarnya dulu cinta bgt sm b.ing. Ikut kursus, di 2 tempat malahan. Waktu masuk kuliah jg ambil jurusan itu. Sayangnya nggak lulus. Di kampus aku ikut tes toefel. Nilai minimal 450. Dan aku udah 14 kali ikut tes toefel tapi nggak lulus. Sejak itu aku trauma sama bahasa ingrris -_-
    #sory,malah numpang curhat

    1. sama sih, gue juga penah ikut les bahasa inggris dari les yang disediakan sama sekolah sampe les di tempat yang mayan terkenal.
      Sama juga sih, gue gak lulus pas ambil jurusan b.ing, sampe tes toefl kemarin juga nilai tertinggi gue cuma 427 aja -____-
      #jadi sama sama curhat

  14. Good luck for your choice. Don't forget, always love indonesia language:)

  15. kamu ngomong apa sih aku gak ngerti maklum lah orang yang gak tamat kuasai englishnya wkwkwk tapi keren deh karena kamu udah berusaha posting pake bahasa inggris,, ajaran dong gimana caranya nyusun kata-kata pke bhs inggris hehe^^

    1. -_____-"

      iyaa makasih yaa, bahasa inggris sama kayak bahasa indo kok, susunan bahasanya, pake pola S+P+O+Ket juga :D

  16. beri les gue bro kalau suatu hari nanti gue jadi tki biar gak canggung lagi haha :D

    1. iya kalo lo jadi tkw ntar gue ajarin yaah :)))

  17. Iya kalau speaking terlihat tak faham maksudnya kalau di tulis baru faham.
    Saya pakai bahasa inggris karena in my campus ada makul english. Jadi belajar lagi.

    Kata dosen ku belajarlah dari film-film berbahasa inggris, tutup subtitlenya atau kamu berbalik badan kemudian tulis kata-kata yang keluar dari film tersebut. Intinya latihan listening sekaligus writing :O

    Udah bener bahas inggrisnya ... saya saja belum berani banyak-banyak nulis inggrisnya karena kosa kata terbatas hehe ... :D #I_Learn_again

    1. Bener banget tuh, gue uga diajarin gitu pas kuliah semester 2 kemarin, jadi disuruh nonton di kelas, subtitle diilangin, abis itu disuruh tulis sepenggal text yang di ingat sama alur ceritanya dan itu berguna banget bagi gue.

      Kalo kosa kata terbatas rajin-rajin aja buka kamus, pasti kaya kosa kata deh :)

    2. Yap ... teman gue sering nyaranin buka kamus buat nambah kosa kata ...

      Tapi, kalau tak suka buka kamus kamu dapat pakai dengan kegiatan mu sehari-hari terus rubah ke dalam bahasa inggris ( basicnya dulu ). Intinya diperaktekan di kehidupan sehari-hari ... :D

    3. iya, kalo gak praktek, gak bakalan pede dan bisa buat ngucapin bahasa inggrisnya :D

  18. wooww, every english study u never have bad score?? it so cool :)
    i love english too, but I'm not too smart to learn english hehe

    1. No need to be smart, but passion to learn it (english) :)

  19. I looove English. I basically love languages, not just English, but English is the only foreign language I'm good at. And I think it's important to know a/some language(s) other than our native language.

    1. we had the same idea i thought, i love english too. You were right, sometimes i want to learn japanese language, it's cool and i love anime :)

  20. Gue kurang mahir dalam bahasa inggris. Tetep, gue suka english. Secara itu bahasa internasional. Walaupun baru bisa basicnya aja. Gue? Bangga. :')

    1. baguss, tinggal prakteknya aja deh, sering-sering cari temen yang mau praktek juga, harus bangga donk:)

  21. I took English Literature as my major but I'm not an expert in it, though. Supporting your wish to be a better English non-native speaker, Rigi.

    1. not an expert huh ? from your text i know you were more expert than me :)

  22. gue lagi sensitof sama pelajaran bahasa inggris di skolahm jadi males baca2an bahasa inggris, soalnya ntar pasti keinget guru gue lagi. kalo gue galau gimana ? lu mau cariin gue pacar hah ?

    1. aduuuhh kasiaan amaat, pacarin saja gurunya kalo gitu, kan gak galau lagi donk :p


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